
Picture of an expired Class 12 MAST Permit. How to renew a MAST Permit.

How to Renew a MAST Permit

If you clicked on this article, you’re probably wondering “How do I renew my MAST Permit in Washington state?” Technically, a Washington MAST Permit is

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¿Qué es la formación RBS? Dos limas en un vaso con pajita.

¿Qué es la formación RBS?

RBS training, or Responsible Beverage Service Training, is a required certification for anyone who serves, mixes, sells, or supervises the sale of alcohol for on-premises

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What is a MAST Permit? A dark beer on a rustic old bartop.

¿Qué es un permiso MAST?

El permiso MAST, o Permiso Obligatorio para Servir Alcohol, es un documento obligatorio para cualquier persona que sirva, mezcle, venda o supervise la venta de alcohol para

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