Florida Alcohol Server Formación
Obtenga su certificación hoy mismo
This alcohol server training course is created in accordance with the Florida Responsible Vendor Act for individuals that need to obtain a Florida bartending license online to serve alcohol at liquor-licensed businesses.
ServeSmart’s three-hour course is self-paced and simple to use so servers and bartenders can get their Responsible Vendor Training quickly! Our online course features interactive lessons and videos that make learning about Florida’s liquor laws fun and engaging. This approach provides alcohol servers with more relevant content while meeting the requirements of the Florida Responsible Vendor Act.
Once you register, you can begin the course right away. The registration, course, and final exam are completely online. After you finish the course material and pass the exam, you can download your certification instantly. We’ve developed our Florida Responsible Alcohol Vendor Training course to be as painless as possible. Let us help you get your certification today!
3 sencillos pasos
Inscríbase hoy mismo en nuestro curso interactivo en línea a su propio ritmo.
Curso completo
Apruebe el examen con una puntuación del 80% o superior.
Recibir el certificado
Una vez finalizado el curso, recibirá un certificado en formato PDF.
Resumen del curso
Esquema del curso
- Presentación
- Módulo uno: Leyes y reglamentos
- Módulo 2: El alcohol y sus efectos en el organismo
- Módulo Tres: Personas intoxicadas
- Módulo cuatro: Menores y comprobación del DNI
- Módulo cinco: Sustancias controladas
Detalles del curso
- Duración del curso: 3 horas
- Preguntas del examen: 25 Preguntas
- Intentos de examen: 2x
- Puntuación de aprobación: 80%.
- Garantía de aprobación: Sí
- Tipo de certificado: PDF
- Certificado Válido: 3 años
Resumen del curso
Curso para empleados
Aprenda los conceptos básicos del servicio responsable de alcohol y obtenga su Certificado de Vendedor Responsable de Alcohol de Florida 100% online.
El curso para empleados abarca:
- Responsabilidades legales de los vendedores-servidores
- Efectos del alcohol en el cuerpo y la mente
- Riesgos de servir a menores e intoxicados
NOTE: Within 30 days of employment, seller-servers must complete Responsible Vendor Training.
Curso para directivos
In this course, we cover the Responsible Vendor Training for Managers for safe alcohol service and management.
The manager course covers:
- Leyes de Florida sobre venta de alcohol
- Principales políticas y procedimientos en materia de alcohol
- Estrategias de intervención para menores y clientes intoxicados
NOTE: Within 15 days of employment, managers must complete Responsible Vendor Training.
Haz el curso desde tu teléfono!
ServeSmart makes getting your Florida Alcohol Server Training easier than ever! The course is 100% mobile-friendly, allowing you to take the course anywhere and from your tablet or smartphone. Just log in from your mobile browser and you’re on your way!
Características del curso
Tasa de aprobado del 99%
El 99% de nuestros alumnos aprueban el examen a la primera. ¿No has aprobado el examen a la primera? No hay problema. ¡Puedes hacer el examen tantas veces como necesites!
Pago seguro
¡Nuestro portal de pago seguro acepta tanto Stripe para tarjetas de crédito como PayPal!
Certificado de finalización
Una vez finalizado el curso de formación para vendedores responsables de alcohol de Florida, recibirá un certificado que podrá mostrar a su empleador.
Libro de trabajo
Después de completar la Formación de Vendedor Responsable de Alcohol de Florida, tendrá acceso a un cuaderno de trabajo que contiene la valiosa información que aprenderá mientras realiza este curso.
Nuestro curso está disponible en los siguientes idiomas:
- inglés
- español
- coreano
Nuestro servicio de atención al cliente en EE.UU. está disponible de 8:00 a 17:00 horas (hora del Pacífico), de lunes a viernes.
Lo que dicen nuestros alumnos
Angel De leon2024-08-15 Evelyn Marisa Vazquez Rocha2024-04-24 genesis gabriela villamizar rojas2024-01-13 Kimarie Johnson2023-11-27 Online. You can practice as much as you like. Julia Gaydarzhi2023-06-08 Mario López2022-11-30 Kamy Pariso2022-07-04 JC Martínez2022-06-15 Antigua biblioteca2022-06-03 Holly Richardson2022-05-29 Google rating score: 4.8 of 5, based on 85 reviews
Preguntas frecuentes
Florida Alcohol Server Training is a training course for sellers or servers of alcohol who need to be in compliance with the Florida Responsible Vendor Act.
Anyone who sells or serves alcohol or supervises the sale and service of alcohol for on-premises consumption is legally required to have a MAST permit. According to the law, managers, bartenders and servers will all need a permit.
The certificate is good for 3 years.
It is recommended that you take Florida Alcohol Server Training and get hands on bartender training.
Taking alcohol server training can help to protect you and your employer from legal and financial liability as well as help keep your patrons and the general public safe.
Most courses are less than $20.
To renew your certification, you’ll need to retake the alcohol server training. It is recommended that you renew your certification within 45 days of the expiration date and provide your employer with an updated copy of your certificate.
A bartending license (AKA certification) takes 3 hours to complete.
You must be at least 18 to bartend in Florida.
Bartending license is the same as a certification.
No, it is not mandatory to have a license or certification to be a bartender in Florida.
Bartending school (AKA alcohol server training) takes 3 hours to complete.
Bartending school (not to be confused with alcohol server training) typically costs between $300 and $600 for a two week course, depending on the course.